Last updated on 15-08-2024

I’m currently in 🌍 Abu Dhabi !
The local time here is ⏰ Loading...

What am I Working on?

Well looks like things are working!

Now in Numbers

πŸƒ Running

263.6 km


Goal: 600 km

🚢 Walk

420.3 km


Goal: 1000 km

🏊 Swimming

19.7 km


Goal: 100 km

πŸ“° Subscribers



Goal: 4000

πŸ“ˆ Portfolio Returns


Target: +14%

🧍 Body Fat %

32.5 %

Target: <25%

Unlike other information, this tile data is updated daily from a Google Sheet and was last updated on 9/30/2024, 12:37:11 AM IST. This experiment is a part of a personal dashboard I'm working on, inspired by the Quantified Self concept.

What Am I Reading?

I read 3-4 books in parallel most of the time on my e-book reader .

What Am I Learning?

  • Learning more about Energy Systems and Modelling from the lectures of Tom Brown
  • Trying to learn more about stock markets on Varsity a great initiative by Zerodha .
  • Trying to learn Python by following the curriculum at University of Helsinki

My Workout Regime

I’m currently focusing on transforming my body and bringing down my body fat to below 25%. I workout 6 days a week with 4 strength training sessions and cardio in the form of running, swimming, and cycling. For strength training, I currently follow the Trainer Winny’s beginner plan fousing on 4 days of fullbody workouts. Since it’s summer here in the Middle East, I mostly run indoors on a treadmill. I don’t have a bike to ride here in the UAE, so I don’t ride at all, except for some indoor rides at the gym. I try to swim atleast once a week, trying to learn freestyle and breaststroke properly.

If you found my now page interesting, checkout “Then” , an archive of all my “Now” pages.

This is a “now page” inspired by Derek Sivers, and you should make one too.